Sawyers Valley Primary School is an Independent Public School. It is located approximately 40km east of Perth and has a strong historical background. It is situated on an attractive semi rural site with grassed play areas, basketball/netball courts and features air-cooled class and specialist rooms. The current enrolment is 200 from K-Year 6. Approximately 57% of students are from other areas and the most common reasons given for this are Sawyers Valley’s positive reputation for inclusivity, quality education programs, behaviour management and pastoral care.
Show MoreThe staff are merit selected, experienced, highly collaborative and offer a high quality teaching and learning program. Specialist teachers provide programs in Visual and Performing Arts, Physical Education, Science, Digital Technologies and Italian. Our curriculum is based on the Western Australian Curriculum, however we incorporate a strong Sustainability focus as befits our beautiful school setting. Our school is a Positive Behaviour Support school, and this links and reflects our community values. Students have access from all classrooms to a Local Area Network, e-mail and the Internet.
Pastoral Care is conducted through various activities under the umbrella of the Emotional Literacy Program expanding resilience and developing appropriate community values. It is supported by the School Chaplaincy program, and our wonderful mentors provided by EdConnect. Special interest groups Clubs provide enrichment programs for students, and identified gifted and talented students access the North Metropolitan Region PEAC Program. Similarly, about 10% of our children receive assistance in areas of need through Individual Education Plans, and specialist support.
Sawyers Valley Primary School has received a National Literacy and Numeracy Award, Commonwealth Boys Lighthouse Education Project Grant and was chosen as one of five WA schools to participate in a national Science and Literacy integrated program through the Department of Education Science and Training and the Australian Academy of Science (Primary Connections)
Our school is the heart of our small community and members are heavily involved within the school through the School Board, P & C, Sports and Sustainability Committees. Parents are regularly found within the classrooms extending the learning of the students and working collaboratively with the teaching staff.
The students enjoy strong camaraderie through the wearing of school uniform, our Monday operational assembles, singing our school song, and our vibrant community spirit.
Our school is the only WA institution awarded an ‘Courageous and Inspired Community’ award from NAPCAN.