K-2 Learning Matrix


We have attached a matrix of experiences that you can enjoy with your children over the next fortnight. Please remember these can be completed at your child’s pace. They can be adapted depending on your child’s stage of development, children may choose to verbalise, draw or write their responses. These activities reflect our integrated, holistic approach to learning. It can also be downloaded and printed. Download

Find a quiet place to sit outside. What can you see, hear and smell?

Go on a “THRASS hunt” around your home and backyard. How many THRASS words can you find? The bold letters of each word is the sound represented on the THRASS chart. You can download the pictures from this link.

Read one of your favourite books and find a way to retell the story to share with us, e.g. act it out, draw pictures, video yourself retelling the story. Remember to include the beginning, middle and end of the story. Tell us about the characters and if there was a problem they had to solve.

Choose a recipe you would like to cook with your family. When you have made it take a photo and tell us how you made it and how it tasted!

Use some materials, e.g. lego, blocks, dough, natural materials to make a model.

Describe what it is and how you made it so someone else can try to make it too!  

We know you have lots of super powers at school, like showing compassion, being respectful of others, responsible with our equipment and being your personal best.

Create a piece of art to show us how you have been practising your super powers at home.