Learning at Home

Learning at Home

With mental health at the forefront, we want to reassure our whole school community that the quality education of your children will continue. We have identified our priorities as being:

  • Maintaining each child’s relationship with their school and their teachers.
  • Efficient and easy-as-possible communication between the children, families and the school.
  • The most efficient and easiest ways to provide feedback to your children on their learning.
  • To reassure you that the staff here at Sawyers Valley are working harder than ever behind the scenes to ensure that the home learning we are providing is of the highest standard.

There are some daily activities that have always been important and that at this point in time are now even more so:

  • Encourage daily reading
  • Include children in the extra chores around the home
  • Spend lots of time outside in the garden in the fresh air (being sunsafe)
  • Allow time for some down time for your children
  • Give them some time to come up with their own independent games/activities where they invent, create and problem solve.

Web Links

The following sites are ones that the school has licences for. The children have passwords and usernames. Please Dojo if they need reminders of what these are.

  • studyladder.com.au
  • prodigygame.com
  • scholasticlearningzone.com   The org ID: F6HR

The following websites are some that as teachers we feel are comprehensive and the children would benefit from using. No passwords are required.

  • topmarks.co.uk
  • khanacademy.org
  • mathantics.com
  • paulswan: drpaulswan.com.au
  • Art For Kids Hub
  • State Library WA- You will need to create an account but it is free.